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Fredrikstad Blues og Jazzklubb og Båthuset Scene har i flere år samarbeidet om dette og det har blitt et hyggelig innslag
I år har gutta fått inn
Stina Stenersen & Her Replacement Soul
T-Bear & The Dukes.
Vi åpner dørene kl 15.30 for de som vil komme å kose seg litt på brygga eller inne først..
Salg av pølser og snacks
Konsertene starter ca kl 18.00
Info om bandene:
Stina Stenerud & Her Replacement Soul
Stina Stenerud & her Soul Replacement er et møte med energisk soul, RnB, funk og gospel. De tar oss med tilbake til soulmusikkens røtter, og byr på egenkomponerte låter i et moderne lydbilde. Stina Steneruds stemme er som skapt for denne musikken; sprudlende energisk og rå når det kreves, og varsom, varm og full av lengsel når alt roes ned. Sammen med sitt Soul Replacement treffer hun publikummed en sterk musikalsk kraft.
Etter oppstarten i 2008 – de feiret altså 10-årsjubileum i 2018 – har bandet gitt ut 2 album, debutalbumet «Kissing Fools» i 2009 og «Coming Home» i 2012, der singelen «Sing Like Me» ble listet på NRK P1. Etter dette har bandet sluppet singlene «Stay by My Side» i 2015 og «Close Your Eyes» i 2016. Det jobbes nå med nytt materiale og dere kommer til å få noen smakebiter på disse på Sosialen. De siste årene har de i tillegg til å ha spilt på de fleste store norsk bluesfestivaler, også begynt å gjøre seg bemerket i blant annet Tyskland, Sveits, Frankrike og Sverige.
Stina Stenerud – vokal
Stian Haslie – gitar
Kristian Wentzel – keys
Bo Berg – bass
Ole Morten Sommer – trommer
T-Bear & The Dukes
”They don’t make them like that anymore”
When you’ve been around on this earth for a while, that thought does come to you once in a while. It could hit you when you see a nice old car, a music instrument, a real “old school” personality being interviewed on the TV…. and if you’re into the blues, this thought definitely comes more often as the years keep passing by.
Our heroes pass away, and many of the young musicians who try to pick up this heritage will sound like scholars for a long time before they might come out as a full-fledged blues musician.
But here’s a guy that startles you as soon as you hear the sound of his guitar, his voice and the way he deals with the tradition. Raw and direct, well not “too raw” but just sounding like himself. A straight-forward approach, with that special “bite” that we associate with some of the great bluesmen.
Where does he find it?
Maybe in the deep forests of Värmland, a sparsely populated region in Sweden, near the Norwegian border.
But mostly in his deep long-term love story with the blues, with heroes like Albert Collins, Albert and Freddie King, Luther Allison and other great representatives of modern electric blues with a twist of funk. And one thing he has in common with these musicians is that he will never play a set with only shuffles, but keeps varying his tempos and beats.
Not only is he a natural talent on the guitar, but his expressive and direct voice and his creative songwriting contribute to his sound, raw and mature at the same time.
The band T-Bear and the Dukes was started by Torbjörn Solberg in his hometown Arvika, Sweden, in 2004, and they have released 7 CD’s.
They released their CD “Time Is a Healer” 2017 and a new one “Blue” march this year.
The band members are Torbjörn Solberg T-bear git/vocal, Henrik Berg drums, Fredrik Kaudern bas, Emil Wachenfeldt pi/org.